Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Payroll - changes are coming!

As you all know ADP payroll conversion is on the horizon; therefore, timesheet due dates have been altered. Please take note of the changes beginning May 18, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

L-200 Wireless Presenter

L-200 has inherited a wireless presenter. The presenter plus instructions are stored in the top drawer of the recently relocated rolling file cabinet. You can find these same instructions for the presenter at: Z:\Circulation\Public Services\Instruction\L200-wireless_presenter.pdf

To be resourceful, please remember to remove the batteries after each use.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

UC People Counter

The new people counter was installed this morning. This counter looks like the old one, but it really is a different model. To reset the LCD display to zero: depress and hold the smart switch until zero appears on the LCD display. You should hear a click after you remove your finger. A copy of the installation instructions will be placed at the circulation/reserves desk for you to identify the parts of the receiver and the transmitter. 

Please notify Katherine of any reporting (counting) or mechanical problems. 

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Galileo password

I had a student who is not currently registered for this semester ask me for the Galileo password today.  She asked for the card that used to be handed out.  

Remember that in our contract ONLY currently registed students can access the password for off campus access.  Do NOT give out the password.  Make sure they access it themselves off of the GIL catalog.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

UC People Counter

The new people counter for the UC entrance was defective, so it has been removed. A replacement counter has been ordered and should arrive early next week. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Phone: logoff instructions

If you are going to be away from your desk for an extended period of time, you may want to log off your extension. This gives callers the courtesy of not hearing 3-6 rings before being transferred to your voicemail. An added courtesy is that your office mate won't hear your phone ringing all day long. 

To log off your extension:
  1. Press the check mark (options)
  2. Press the right arrow (page right)
  3. Press the button that selects the text Log off
  4. Select yes. (2 audio tones will sound to confirm)
To log back on the screen will first ask you for your extension and the enter function is the pound (#) key. The next screen will ask you for your extension password, which is an 8 digit number (4 pw #s plus your 4 digit extension). 

To log on:
  1. 4 digit extension
  2. #
  3. 8 digit password
  4. #
If you have any questions regarding these procedures, please ask Kara - she logs her phone off multiple times throughout the day. 

New voicemail password - ext. 4325

The voicemail box for extension 4325 has a new password. It has changed from our zip code 30260 to the same format for extensions 4345 & 4346. Please refer to the document on the Z: drive for password information. Z:\Circulation\Public Services\phone_ext_pw_logoff.doc